Many people have commented on the trouble they have experienced when buying a bag of almond flour and hoping to create a newly found recipe from it. So much food has been wasted that I hope you will share with this community your findings.
My first tip: almond flour needs other ingredients to make it work for you. Otherwise, your recipe will be thick, grainy and dense. Many have combined coconut flour with it which typically needs lots of eggs and/or moisture.
Recipes: Choose them selectively by making sure there is more than one flour. Before almond flour there was starchy, gluten free flours (which are plentiful still) using a combination of buckwheat, rice flour, tapioca flour, flax and a host of other flours combined to make the outcome useful. These are high carbohydrates but make better breads or rolls than sweets.
When it comes to gluten free flour, one flour maybe good for baking sweets, like MsPatticakes, while another is good for making breads. This is where comprise may come into play. A girl needs her bread!
Do you have a best "oatmeal" flour or coconut flour recipe? We are all learning about these flours. Anyone ever heard of bamboo flour? Yup...its a thing...and a journey for all of us.
Please let us now your discoveries and thanks for reading!